
Who Is Jen Bee?

Just a bADDass on a mission

Hey there! I’m Jen Bee, champion ADHD coach and mixmaster here to help you create your bADDass life. My life’s not been a symphony but a mixtape filled with diverse tracks, each representing the ups, downs, and detours of living boldly with ADHD. Here’s the lowdown on how I spun my challenges into my greatest hits and how my bADDass ADHD coaching can turn yours into a platinum record.

Track 1:

“Fearless Beginnings”

My mixtape kicks off with a daring leap into the deep end before I even knew how to swim. As a kid, I didn’t see limits, only opportunities. Each bold jump and childhood dare was a track in the making, laying down the beats of courage and resilience that would become my signature.

Track 2:

“Finding My Frequency”

Fast forward to my teen years, where college loomed large, and ADHD turned the volume up on life’s challenges. Medication was a brief interlude, and landing a spot in my dream college made me feel like a rockstar! So I thought I’d try ditching the meds and let my true self shine. I quickly learned that authenticity comes with its own set of highs and lows and I struggled mastering the mix.

Track 3:

“The Search for Harmony”

This track’s a mashup of jobs, careers, and passions, a testament to the eclectic nature of finding where I belong. From college dreams to financial realities, each role added depth to my mix, teaching me the art of resilience and the power of adaptability.

Track 4:

“My Mix, My Rules”

The pivotal moment in my mixtape. Realizing the standard playlist wasn’t for me, I started remixing. Embracing my ADHD meant redefining success on my terms, blending my tracks into a mix that resonated with my unique beat.

Track 5:

“Coaching on Cue”

Discovering ADHD coaching was like finding the perfect beat drop. It’s here that I found my groove, turning personal insights into a passion for helping others remix their challenges into strengths. Coaching isn’t just a job; it’s sharing the soundboard, guiding you to produce your own bADDass mix.

The Encore:

Your Mix Awaits

Your life, your ADHD, it’s waiting to be mixed, mastered, and blasted on full volume. If you’re feeling out of tune, I’m here to help you sync up your tracks, from the deep cuts to the chart-toppers. Let’s take those off-tempo songs and transform them into hits.


Let’s Spin This Record

Ready to flip the script on ADHD? Together, we’ll curate a mix that’s all you—celebrating the bADDass you are, track by track. It’s time to crank up the volume on your life’s mixtape and let the world hear what you’re really made of.