
Coaching & the ADHD Brain

A personal DJ for your bADDass mix

Navigating thoughts and emotions with ADHD can feel like you’re trying to enjoy a mixtape made off the radio — complete with songs cut off, intrusive DJs, and jarring ads disrupting the flow. You desperately search for that one track that resonates with you, only to feel more tangled in the tape.

ADHD Coach Jen Bee

Your mixtape’s restoration expert

Imagine your mind as that mixtape — essential yet chaotic, with its beauty buried under layers of interruption. You constantly fast-forward or rewind, searching for your favorite song until eventually, your tape unravels! ADHD coaching with me is like being handed the perfect pencil, meticulously winding back the tape, and bringing clarity and harmony back to your unique soundtrack.

contact bADDass coaching
contact bADDass coaching

ADHD Coach Jen Bee

Your mixtape’s restoration expert

Imagine your mind as that mixtape — essential yet chaotic, with its beauty buried under layers of interruption. You constantly fast-forward or rewind, searching for your favorite song until eventually, your tape unravels! ADHD coaching with me is like being handed the perfect pencil, meticulously winding back the tape, and bringing clarity and harmony back to your unique soundtrack.

Amplifying Your Life’s Playlist

ADHD Coaching

Working with an ADHD coach is like upgrading from a Walkman to a state-of-the-art surround sound system designed for the unique sound that is your ADHD brain. It’s about turning the discord into a rich, immersive experience, allowing you to fully engage with and appreciate the complexity of your inner mix.

  • Unlocking Potential: Together, we’ll sift through the static to spotlight your hit tracks, turning perceived chaos into your greatest hits.
  • Skill Sync-Up: Mastering the art of fast-forward and rewind, you’ll navigate life’s tracks without skipping a beat.
  • Finding Balance: Understand your unique mixtape — recognizing when to let a song play or when to skip, ensuring every day plays your best tracks.

Embracing Your Sound

ADHD Coaching Sessions

With each session, you’re not just learning to live with your soundtrack; you’re mastering it. Gain the confidence to manage life’s balance and equalizers, embracing the full spectrum of your ADHD without fear of it unraveling.

Your Life, Your Playlist

You’ve got the power!

ADHD coaching isn’t just about ADHD management. It’s about taking control of your stereo, ensuring your ADHD adds depth and richness to your life’s playlist. It’s about crafting the unique soundtrack to your life that not only sounds good but makes you want to dance.

VIP access to your potential

An all-access backstage pass to your brain

Feeling stuck on repeat? ADHD coaching might just be the high-end stereo upgrade you need. If you’re ready to clear the static, refine your sound, and let your full potential play out loud, I’m here to press play.

Ready to hit ‘PLAY’

Let’s amplify the bADDass in your mix!

We all love our creativity and unconventional thinking, but sometimes, it’s about getting down to business. If your mixtape feels like it’s unraveling, let’s work together to wind it back up, track by track. It’s time to get shit done, with your unique soundtrack not just leading the way, but supplying the tunes that turn even the biggest challenges into a good time.

benefits of ADHD coaching