

Get your ADHD Coaching Questions Answered

Navigating ADHD and curious if coaching can remix your daily vibe? Get your ADHD questions answered and learn how bADDass Coaching could be your ticket to a smoother track.

ADHD 101: What’s It All About?

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is like your brain’s unique playlist, sometimes skipping tracks or playing all at once. Symptoms include getting easily distracted, feeling restless, or making impulsive decisions. There are many ways in which ADHD can manifest in adults so if this sounds like what you’re experiencing, you’ll want to explore further.

I Think I Have ADHD. Do I Have To Get A DIagnosis?

Many adults are researching if they may have ADHD as they learn more about it. If you believe you have ADHD, it is very important that you consult a professional, such as a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD to administer testing for an official diagnosis. Additionally, you can check out the bADDass resources for a deep dive on ADHD as well as find assessments to see if what you’re dealing with might be ADHD. However, an official diagnosis from a trained professional is your best option.

How Does Coaching Fit into My Neurodiverse Life?

Coaching is a great way to gain perspective on how ADHD is affecting your life. An ADHD coach is able to give you the tools and support necessary to manage your ADHD as well as help you turn up your strengths and dial down the distractions. Together, we strategize together, making sure the changes resonate with you and your daily rhythm so you can tackle challenges head-on. bADDass ADHD coaching is about making real, practical changes that stick.

What’s the Vibe of a Coaching Session?

When it comes to coaching sessions, you’re in control. We’ll chart where you’re at, envision where you’d like to be, and strategize your route there in addition to providing support and accountability to keep you on track along the way.

Will Coaching Be a Long-term Gig?

Not necessarily. How long we work together depends on your needs and pace so it’s up to you if you need a quick session or a longer collaboration. Essentially, it’s all about what works for you and what kind of support you need to reach your goals.

Should I Choose Coaching Over Medication or Therapy?

If coaching is your first stop in looking for ADHD management, it is a great starting point. However, you can use coaching in conjunction with meds and therapy for a trifecta of ADHD management. Medication manages symptoms while therapy delves into deeper issues. However, coaching is great for managing your day-to-day struggles by providing creative strategies based on how you operate. They’re a harmonious blend for handling ADHD.

Coaching vs. Therapy: What’s the Difference?

While therapy examines the deeper “whys” and emotional undercurrents, coaching focuses on the “how”, giving you practical strategies and actions to move you forward. Depending on your needs, each can play a unique role in managing ADHD effectively.

What If ADHD Isn’t My Only Jam?

You’re not alone if you’re juggling ADHD with anxiety, depression, or anything else life throws your way. Coaching takes a holistic approach by crafting strategies that address all aspects of your well-being.

Feeling the Beat and Ready to Start?

If you’re nodding along and eager to remix your ADHD narrative, it’s time we chat. Together, we’ll spotlight your strengths and set the stage for your success. Let’s get your brain back on track.